Thanks for sharing your walk, the wine bottles, and introducing us to this fab artist who too enjoyed what you are enjoying. Wonderful.

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Hw lovely!! I can picture that!!

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I love your sweet descriptions of the little treasures you find along your walks💕What brings me joy everyday is listening to and watching the variety of birds on our feeders.

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Oh how I enjoyed being on your walk with you and having glimpses of the beauty being translated into wine labels. Such fun!

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Love this, B. If I think I might enjoy the flavor, I buy for the label all the time! I even document many, so I can remember and share ... if I knew there was a way to include photos here, I would! Keep sharing the good stuff here.

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I just love your posts and how you give me peeks into a romantic Italian life! Illustrarions of nature can be everywhere as far as I’m concerned. Comforting and close to the earth.

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Lovely words and you are right it’s the little things. The wine labels are stunning and evoke everything about Piedmont.

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